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mirror of https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/jami-client-qt.git synced 2024-10-28 08:49:35 +01:00

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misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE TS><TS version="2.1" language="tr" sourcelanguage="en">
<location filename="../src/app/calladapter.cpp" line="155"/>
<source>Missed call</source>
<translation>Yanıtsız arama</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/calladapter.cpp" line="156"/>
<source>Missed call with %1</source>
<translation>%1 ile yanıtsız arama</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/calladapter.cpp" line="560"/>
<location filename="../src/app/calladapter.cpp" line="612"/>
<source>Incoming call</source>
<translation>Gelen arama</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/calladapter.cpp" line="613"/>
<source>%1 is calling you</source>
<translation>%1 sizi aramaktadır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/calladapter.cpp" line="624"/>
<source>is calling you</source>
<translation>seni arıyor</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/calladapter.cpp" line="1156"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/conversationsadapter.cpp" line="183"/>
<source>%1 received a new message</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/conversationsadapter.cpp" line="243"/>
<source>%1 received a new trust request</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/currentconversation.cpp" line="136"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/currentconversation.cpp" line="138"/>
<source>Private group (restricted invites)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/currentconversation.cpp" line="140"/>
<source>Private group</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/currentconversation.cpp" line="142"/>
<source>Public group</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/currentconversation.cpp" line="323"/>
<source>An error occurred while fetching this repository</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/currentconversation.cpp" line="325"/>
<source>The conversation&apos;s mode is un-recognized</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/currentconversation.cpp" line="327"/>
<source>An invalid message was detected</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/currentconversation.cpp" line="330"/>
<source>Not enough authorization for updating conversation&apos;s infos</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/DevicesListPopup.qml" line="162"/>
<source>Device Id</source>
<translation>Aygıt Kimliği</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="31"/>
<translation>Kabul et</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="32"/>
<source>Accept in audio</source>
<translation>Sesli olarak kabul et</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="33"/>
<source>Accept in video</source>
<translation>Görüntülü olarak kabul et</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="34"/>
<translation>Geri Çevir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="35"/>
<source>End call</source>
<translation>Çağrıyı sonlandır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="36"/>
<source>Incoming audio call from {}</source>
<translation> {} &apos;dan gelen arama</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="37"/>
<source>Incoming video call from {}</source>
<translation> {} &apos;dan gelen görüntülü arama</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="41"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="42"/>
<source>Jami is a universal communication platform, with privacy as its foundation, that relies on a free distributed network for everyone.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="43"/>
<source>Migrating to the Swarm technology will enable synchronizing this conversation across multiple devices and improve reliability. The legacy conversation history will be cleared in the process.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="47"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="776"/>
<source>Could not re-connect to the Jami daemon (jamid).
Jami will now quit.</source>
<translation>Jami arka plan prosesine (jamid) yeniden bağlanılamadı.
Jami şimdi kapatılacak.</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="48"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="775"/>
<source>Trying to reconnect to the Jami daemon (jamid)</source>
<translation>Jami arka plan prosesine (jamid) yeniden bağlanmaya çalışılıyor</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="51"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="56"/>
<source>Jami is a free universal communication software that respects the freedom and privacy of its users.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="57"/>
<translation>Emeği geçenler</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="60"/>
<source>Display QR code</source>
<translation>QR kodunu göster</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="61"/>
<source>Open settings</source>
<translation>Ayarları </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="62"/>
<source>Close settings</source>
<translation>Ayarları kapat</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="63"/>
<source>Add Account</source>
<translation>Hesap Ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="66"/>
<source>Add to conference</source>
<translation>Konferansa ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="67"/>
<source>Add to conversation</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="68"/>
<source>Transfer this call</source>
<translation>Bu aramayı aktar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="69"/>
<source>Transfer to</source>
<translation>Şuraya aktar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="72"/>
<source>Authentication required</source>
<translation>Kimlik doğrulaması gerekli</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="73"/>
<source>Your session has expired or been revoked on this device. Please enter your password.</source>
<translation>Bu aygıttaki oturumunuz sona erdi veya kaldırıldı. Parolanızı girin.</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="74"/>
<source>JAMS server</source>
<translation>JAMS sunucusu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="75"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="76"/>
<source>Delete account</source>
<translation>Hesabı sil</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="77"/>
<source>In progress</source>
<translation>Devam ediyor...</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="78"/>
<source>Authentication failed</source>
<translation>Yetkilendirme Başarısız</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="79"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="80"/>
<translation>Kullanıcı adı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="81"/>
<translation>Takma ad</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="85"/>
<source>Allow incoming calls from unknown contacts</source>
<translation>Bilinmeyen kişilerden gelen çağrılara izin ver</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="86"/>
<source>Convert your account into a rendezvous point</source>
<translation>Hesabınızı bir buluşma noktasına dönüştürün</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="87"/>
<source>Automatically answer calls</source>
<translation>Aramaları kendiliğinden yanıtla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="88"/>
<source>Enable custom ringtone</source>
<translation>Özel zil sesini etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="89"/>
<source>Select custom ringtone</source>
<translation>Özel zil sesi seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="90"/>
<source>Add a custom ringtone</source>
<translation>Özel bir zil sesi ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="91"/>
<source>Select a new ringtone</source>
<translation>Yeni bir zil sesi seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="92"/>
<source>Certificate File (*.crt)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="93"/>
<source>Audio File (*.wav *.ogg *.opus *.mp3 *.aiff *.wma)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="97"/>
<source>Enable read receipts</source>
<translation>Okundu onaylarını etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="98"/>
<source>Send and receive receipts indicating that a message have been displayed</source>
<translation>İletinin görüldüğünü belirten bildirimleri gönder ve al</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="101"/>
<translation>Sesli ileti</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="102"/>
<source>Voicemail dial code</source>
<translation>Sesli ileti arama kodu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="105"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="106"/>
<source>Enable SDES key exchange</source>
<translation>SDES anahtar değişimini etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="107"/>
<source>Allow fallback on RTP</source>
<translation>RTP üzerinde geri dönüşe izin ver</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="108"/>
<source>Encrypt negotiation (TLS)</source>
<translation>Müzakereyi şifrele (TLS)</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="109"/>
<source>CA certificate</source>
<translation>CA sertifikası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="110"/>
<source>User certificate</source>
<translation>Kullanıcı sertifikası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="111"/>
<source>Private key</source>
<translation>Özel anahtar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="112"/>
<source>Private key password</source>
<translation>Özel anahtar parolası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="113"/>
<source>Verify certificates for incoming TLS connections</source>
<translation>Gelen TLS bağlantıları için sertifikaları doğrulayın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="114"/>
<source>Verify server TLS certificates</source>
<translation>Sunucu TLS sertifikalarını doğrulayın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="115"/>
<source>Require certificate for incoming TLS connections</source>
<translation>Gelen TLS bağlantıları için sertifika iste</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="117"/>
<source>TLS protocol method</source>
<translation>TLS kural yöntemi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="118"/>
<source>Audio input device selector</source>
<translation>Ses giriş aygıtı seçici</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="119"/>
<source>TLS server name</source>
<translation>TLS sunucu adı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="120"/>
<source>Negotiation timeout (seconds)</source>
<translation>Görüşme zaman aşımına uğradı (saniye)</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="121"/>
<source>Select a private key</source>
<translation>Bir özel anahtar seç</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="122"/>
<source>Select a user certificate</source>
<translation>Kullanıcı sertifikası seç</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="123"/>
<source>Select a CA certificate</source>
<translation>CA sertifikası seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="124"/>
<source>Key File (*.key)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="127"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="128"/>
<source>Auto Registration After Expired</source>
<translation>Süre Dolduktan Sonra Kendiliğinden Kayıt</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="129"/>
<source>Registration expiration time (seconds)</source>
<translation>Kaydolma bitimi süresi (saniye)</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="130"/>
<source>Network interface</source>
<translation> arayüzü</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="131"/>
<source>Use UPnP</source>
<translation>UpnP kullan</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="132"/>
<source>Use TURN</source>
<translation>TURN kullan</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="133"/>
<source>TURN address</source>
<translation>TURN adresi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="134"/>
<source>TURN username</source>
<translation>TURN kullanıcı adı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="135"/>
<source>TURN password</source>
<translation>TURN parolası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="136"/>
<source>TURN Realm</source>
<translation>TURN yetki alanı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="137"/>
<source>Use STUN</source>
<translation>STUN kullan</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="138"/>
<source>STUN address</source>
<translation>STUN adresi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="141"/>
<source>Allow IP Auto Rewrite</source>
<translation>IP Auto Rewrite&apos;a izin ver</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="142"/>
<source>Public address</source>
<translation>Açık adres</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="143"/>
<source>Use custom address and port</source>
<translation>Özel adres ve bağlanma noktası kullan</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="144"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="145"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="148"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="149"/>
<source>Enable video</source>
<translation>Görüntüyü Etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="157"/>
<source>SDP Session Negotiation (ICE Fallback)</source>
<translation>SDP Görüşme Oturumu (ICE Geri çekilme)</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="158"/>
<source>Only used during negotiation in case ICE is not supported</source>
<translation>Yalnızca ICE&apos;nin desteklenmediği durumlardaki görüşmelerde kullanılır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="159"/>
<source>Audio RTP minimum Port</source>
<translation>Ses RTP en düşük bağlanma noktası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="160"/>
<source>Audio RTP maximum Port</source>
<translation>Ses RTP en yüksek bağlanma noktası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="161"/>
<source>Video RTP minimum Port</source>
<translation>Görüntü RTP en düşük bağlanma noktası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="162"/>
<source>Video RTP maximum port</source>
<translation>Görüntü RTP en yüksek bağlanma noktası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="165"/>
<source>Enable local peer discovery</source>
<translation>Yerel bağlantı bulmayı etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="166"/>
<source>Connect to other DHT nodes advertising on your local network.</source>
<translation>Yerel ağınızda tanıtılan diğer DHT düğümlerine bağlanın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="168"/>
<source>Enable proxy</source>
<translation>Vekil sunucuyu etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="169"/>
<source>Proxy address</source>
<translation>Vekil sunucu adresi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="170"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="173"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="174"/>
<source>Account Settings</source>
<translation>Hesap Ayarları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="175"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="176"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="561"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="177"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="178"/>
<source>Audio and Video Settings</source>
<translation>Ses ve Görüntü ayarları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="179"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="182"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="183"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="184"/>
<source>Select audio input device</source>
<translation>ses giriş aygıtını seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="185"/>
<source>Output device</source>
<translation>Çıkış aygıtı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="186"/>
<source>Select audio output device</source>
<translation>ses çıkış aygıtını seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="187"/>
<source>Ringtone device</source>
<translation>Zil sesi aygıtı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="188"/>
<source>Select ringtone output device</source>
<translation>Zil sesi aygıtını seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="189"/>
<source>Audio manager</source>
<translation>Ses yöneticisi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="192"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="193"/>
<source>Select video device</source>
<translation>Görüntü aygıtını seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="194"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="195"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="196"/>
<source>Select video resolution</source>
<translation>Görüntü çözünürlüğünü seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="197"/>
<source>Frames per second</source>
<translation>Saniye başına kare</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="198"/>
<source>Select video frame rate (frames per second)</source>
<translation>Görüntü kare sayısı seç (saniye başına kare)</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="199"/>
<source>Enable hardware acceleration</source>
<translation>Donanım hızlandırmayı etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="201"/>
<source>Preview unavailable</source>
<translation>Önizleme kullanılamıyor</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="202"/>
<source>Screen Sharing</source>
<translation>Ekran Paylaşımı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="203"/>
<source>Select screen sharing frame rate (frames per second)</source>
<translation>Ekran paylaşımı kare hızı (saniyedeki kare sayısı)</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="204"/>
<source>no video</source>
<translation>görüntü yok</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="212"/>
<source>Back up account here</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="213"/>
<source>Back up account</source>
<translation>Hesabı yedekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="295"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="325"/>
<source>Turn off sharing</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="326"/>
<source>Stop location sharing in this conversation (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="345"/>
<source>Hide chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="354"/>
<source>Back to Call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="363"/>
<source>Scroll to end of conversation</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="387"/>
<source>Choose a password to encrypt your account on this device. Note that the password CANNOT be recovered.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="389"/>
<source>You can choose a username to help others more easily find and reach you on Jami.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="396"/>
<source>Are you sure you would like to join Jami without a username?
If yes, only a randomly generated 40-character identifier will be assigned to this account.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="397"/>
<source>- 32 characters maximum
- Alphabetical characters (A to Z and a to z)
- Numeric characters (0 to 9)
- Special characters allowed: dash (-)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="404"/>
<source>Your account will be created and stored locally.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="405"/>
<source>Choosing a username is recommended, and a chosen username CANNOT be changed later.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="406"/>
<source>Encrypting your account with a password is optional, and if the password is lost it CANNOT be recovered later.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="407"/>
<source>Setting a profile picture and nickname is optional, and can also be changed later in the settings.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="418"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="419"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="420"/>
<source>Display Name</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="434"/>
<source>Back up account to a .gz file</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="441"/>
<source>This profile is only shared with this account's contacts.
The profile can be changed at all times from the account&apos;s settings.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="443"/>
<source>A Jami account is created and stored locally only on this device, as an archive containing your account keys. Access to this archive can optionally be protected by a password.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="444"/>
<source>Please note that if you lose your password, it CANNOT be recovered!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="473"/>
<source>Would you really like to delete this account?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="474"/>
<source>If your account has not been backed up or added to another device, your account and registered username will be IRREVOCABLY LOST.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="484"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="485"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="488"/>
<source>Application theme</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="495"/>
<source>Include local video in recording</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="528"/>
<source>Toggle automatic updates</source>
<translation>Otomatik güncellemeleri / kapat</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="531"/>
<source>A new version of Jami was found
Would you like to update now?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="553"/>
<source>Save recordings to</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="554"/>
<source>Save screenshots to</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="624"/>
<source>Select &quot;Link another device&quot;</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="646"/>
<source>Choose a picture as your avatar</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="726"/>
<source>Share freely and privately with Jami</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="785"/>
<source>more emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="791"/>
<source>Reply to</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="792"/>
<source>In reply to</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="793"/>
<source> replied to</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="795"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="797"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="798"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="799"/>
<source>Join call</source>
<translation>Çağrıya katıl</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="800"/>
<source>A call is in progress. Do you want to join the call?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="801"/>
<source>Current host for this swarm seems unreachable. Do you want to host the call?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="802"/>
<source>Choose a dedicated device for hosting future calls in this swarm. If not set, the device starting a call will host it.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="803"/>
<source>Choose this device</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="804"/>
<source>Remove current device</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="805"/>
<source>Host only this call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="806"/>
<source>Host this call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="807"/>
<source>Make me the default host for future calls</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="823"/>
<source>Mute conversation</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="826"/>
<source>Default host (calls)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="830"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="833"/>
<source>You can add 7 people in the swarm</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="847"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="849"/>
<source>Add a profile picture and nickname to complete your profile</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="850"/>
<source>This profile is only shared with this account&apos;s contacts</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="852"/>
<source>Why should I save my account?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="214"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="38"/>
<source>Start swarm</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="39"/>
<source>Create swarm</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="40"/>
<source>Show invitations</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="84"/>
<source>Call settings</source>
<translation>Arama ayarları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="96"/>
<source>Chat settings</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="116"/>
<source>Disable secure dialog check for incoming TLS data</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="150"/>
<source>Video codecs</source>
<translation>Görüntü çözücüler</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="151"/>
<source>Audio codecs</source>
<translation>Ses çözücüleri</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="154"/>
<source>Name server</source>
<translation>Ad Sunucusu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="167"/>
<source>OpenDHT configuration</source>
<translation>OpenDHT yapılandırma</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="200"/>
<source>Mirror local video</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="207"/>
<source>Why should I back-up this account?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="208"/>
<source>Your account only exists on this device. If you lose your device or uninstall the application, your account will be deleted and CANNOT be recovered. You can back up your account now or later (in the Account Settings).</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="215"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="216"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="217"/>
<source>Never show me this again</source>
<translation>Bunu bana bir daha gösterme</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="218"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="219"/>
<source>Jami archive files (*.gz)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="220"/>
<source>All files (*)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="223"/>
<source>Reinstate as contact</source>
<translation>Kişi olarak eski durumuna getir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="224"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="225"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="228"/>
<source>is recording</source>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="229"/>
<source>are recording</source>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="230"/>
<source>Peer stopped recording</source>
<translation> kaydı durdurdu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="231"/>
<source>is calling you</source>
<translation>seni arıyor</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="232"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="759"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="233"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="760"/>
<translation>Sesi </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="234"/>
<source>Pause call</source>
<translation>Aramayı duraklat</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="235"/>
<source>Resume call</source>
<translation>Aramayı sürdür</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="236"/>
<source>Mute camera</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="237"/>
<source>Unmute camera</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="238"/>
<source>Add participant</source>
<translation>Katılımcı ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="239"/>
<source>Add participants</source>
<translation>Katılımcı ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="240"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="241"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="242"/>
<source>More options</source>
<translation>Daha fazla seçenek</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="243"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="244"/>
<source>Participant is still muted on their device</source>
<translation>Katılımcılar hala kendi cihazlarında sessize alındılar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="245"/>
<source>You are still muted on your device</source>
<translation>Hala cihazınızda sessize alındınız</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="246"/>
<source>You are still muted by moderator</source>
<translation>Hala yönetici tarafından sessize alındınız</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="247"/>
<source>You are muted by a moderator</source>
<translation>Bir yönetici tarafından sessize alındınız</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="248"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="249"/>
<translation>Oturum Sahibi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="250"/>
<source>Local and Moderator muted</source>
<translation>Siz ve Yönetici sessize aldı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="251"/>
<source>Moderator muted</source>
<translation>Yönetici sessize aldı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="252"/>
<source>Not muted</source>
<translation>Sesi açık</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="253"/>
<source>On the side</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="254"/>
<source>On the top</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="255"/>
<source>Hide self</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="256"/>
<source>Hide spectators</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="259"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="587"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="260"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="261"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="262"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="265"/>
<source>Start video call</source>
<translation>Görüntülü arama başlat</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="266"/>
<source>Start audio call</source>
<translation>Sesli arama başlat</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="267"/>
<source>Clear conversation</source>
<translation>Konuşmayı temizle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="268"/>
<source>Confirm action</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="269"/>
<source>Remove conversation</source>
<translation>Konuşma sil</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="270"/>
<source>Would you really like to remove this conversation?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="271"/>
<source>Would you really like to block this conversation?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="272"/>
<source>Remove contact</source>
<translation>Kişiyi kaldır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="273"/>
<source>Block contact</source>
<translation>Kişiyi engelle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="274"/>
<source>Block swarm</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="275"/>
<source>Conversation details</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="276"/>
<source>Contact details</source>
<translation>Kişi ayrıntıları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="279"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="280"/>
<source>Sip input panel</source>
<translation>Sip giriş paneli</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="281"/>
<source>Transfer call</source>
<translation>Aramayı aktar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="282"/>
<source>Stop recording</source>
<translation>Kaydı durdur</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="283"/>
<source>Start recording</source>
<translation>Kaydı başlat</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="284"/>
<source>Exit full screen</source>
<translation>Tam ekrandan çık</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="285"/>
<source>View full screen</source>
<translation>Tam ekran göster</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="286"/>
<source>Share screen</source>
<translation>Ekranı paylaş</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="287"/>
<source>Share window</source>
<translation>Pencereyi paylaş</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="288"/>
<source>Stop sharing screen or file</source>
<translation>Ekran veya dosya paylaşımını durdur</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="289"/>
<source>Share screen area</source>
<translation>Ekran alanı paylaş</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="290"/>
<source>Share file</source>
<translation>Dosya paylaş</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="291"/>
<source>Select sharing method</source>
<translation>Paylaşım yöntemini seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="292"/>
<source>View plugin</source>
<translation>Eklentiyi görüntüle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="293"/>
<source>Advanced information</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="294"/>
<source>No video device</source>
<translation>Görüntü aygıtı yok</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="296"/>
<source>Lower hand</source>
<translation>Elini indir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="297"/>
<source>Raise hand</source>
<translation>Elinizi kaldırın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="298"/>
<source>Layout settings</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="299"/>
<source>Take tile screenshot</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="300"/>
<source>Screenshot saved to %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="303"/>
<source>Renderers information</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="304"/>
<source>Call information</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="305"/>
<source>Peer number</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="306"/>
<source>Call id</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="307"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="308"/>
<source>Video codec</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="309"/>
<source>Hardware acceleration</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="310"/>
<source>Video bitrate</source>
<translation>Görüntü bit oranı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="311"/>
<source>Audio codec</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="312"/>
<source>Renderer id</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="313"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="316"/>
<source>Share location</source>
<translation>Konum paylaş</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="317"/>
<source>Stop sharing</source>
<translation>Paylaşmayı durdur</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="318"/>
<source>10 minutes</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="319"/>
<source>One hour</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="320"/>
<source>%1 minutes left</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="321"/>
<source>%1 minute left</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="322"/>
<source>Your precise location could not be determined.
In Device Settings, please turn on &quot;Location Services&quot;.
Other participants&apos; location can still be received.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="323"/>
<source>Your precise location could not be determined. Please check your Internet connection.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="324"/>
<source>Turn off location sharing</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="327"/>
<source>Location is shared in several conversations</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="328"/>
<source>Pin map to be able to share location or to turn off location in specific conversations</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="329"/>
<source>Location is shared in several conversations, click to choose how to turn off location sharing</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="330"/>
<source>Share location to participants of this conversation (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="333"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="334"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="335"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="336"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="338"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="339"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="340"/>
<source>Position share duration</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="341"/>
<source>Limit the duration of location sharing</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="342"/>
<source>Location sharing</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="346"/>
<source>Place audio call</source>
<translation>Sesli arama yeri </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="347"/>
<source>Place video call</source>
<translation>Görüntülü arama yeri</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="348"/>
<source>Show available plugins</source>
<translation>Kullanılabilir eklentileri göster</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="349"/>
<source>Add to conversations</source>
<translation>Konuşma ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="350"/>
<source>This is the error from the backend: %0</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="351"/>
<source>The account is disabled</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="352"/>
<source>No network connectivity</source>
<translation> bağlantısı yok</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="353"/>
<source>Deleted message</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="357"/>
<source>Jump to</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="358"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="359"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="360"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="364"/>
<source>{} is typing</source>
<translation>{} yazıyor...</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="365"/>
<source>{} are typing</source>
<translation>{} yazıyor...</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="366"/>
<source>Several people are typing</source>
<translation>Birkaç kişi yazıyor...</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="367"/>
<source> and </source>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="370"/>
<source>Enter the Jami Account Management Server (JAMS) URL</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="371"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="372"/>
<source>Jami Account Management Server URL</source>
<translation>Jami Yönetim Sunucusu Adresi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="373"/>
<source>Enter JAMS credentials</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="374"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="375"/>
<source>Creating account</source>
<translation>Hesap oluşturuluyor...</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="376"/>
<source>Back to welcome page</source>
<translation>Karşılama sayfasına geri dönün</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="379"/>
<source>Choose name</source>
<translation>Ad seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="380"/>
<source>Choose username</source>
<translation>Kullanıcı adı seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="381"/>
<source>Choose a username</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="382"/>
<source>Choose an identifier</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="383"/>
<source>The identifier is not available</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="384"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="439"/>
<source>Encrypt account with password</source>
<translation>Hesabı parola ile şifrele</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="385"/>
<source>Create account</source>
<translation>Hesap oluştur</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="386"/>
<source>Confirm password</source>
<translation>Parolayı onayla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="388"/>
<translation>İsteğe bağlı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="390"/>
<source>Choose a name for your rendezvous point</source>
<translation>Buluşma noktanız için bir ad seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="391"/>
<source>Choose a name</source>
<translation>Bir ad seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="392"/>
<source>Invalid name</source>
<translation>Geçersiz ad</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="393"/>
<source>Invalid username</source>
<translation>Geçersiz kullanıcı adı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="394"/>
<source>Name already taken</source>
<translation>Ad önceden alınmış</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="395"/>
<source>Username already taken</source>
<translation>Kullanıcı adı önceden alınmış</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="401"/>
<source>Good to know</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="402"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="403"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="411"/>
<source>SIP account</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="412"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="413"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="414"/>
<source>Create SIP account</source>
<translation>SİP Hesabı Oluşturun</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="415"/>
<source>Configure an existing SIP account</source>
<translation>Var olan SIP hesabını yapılandırın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="416"/>
<source>Personalize account</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="417"/>
<source>Add SIP account</source>
<translation>SIP hesabı ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="424"/>
<source>Backup successful</source>
<translation>Yedekleme başarılı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="425"/>
<source>Backup failed</source>
<translation>Yedekleme başarısız</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="426"/>
<source>Password changed successfully</source>
<translation>Parola Başarıyla Değiştirildi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="427"/>
<source>Password change failed</source>
<translation>Parola değişikliği başarısız oldu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="428"/>
<source>Password set successfully</source>
<translation>Parola başarıyla ayarlandı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="429"/>
<source>Password set failed</source>
<translation>Parola ayarlama başarısız oldu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="430"/>
<source>Change password</source>
<translation>Parolayı değiştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="431"/>
<source>Set password</source>
<translation>Parola ayarla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="432"/>
<source>Set a password</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="433"/>
<source>Change current password</source>
<translation>Şimdiki parolayı değiştirin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="435"/>
<source>Display advanced settings</source>
<translation>Gelişmiş ayarları göster</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="436"/>
<source>Hide advanced settings</source>
<translation>Gelişmiş ayarları gizle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="437"/>
<source>Enable account</source>
<translation>Hesabı etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="438"/>
<source>Advanced account settings</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="440"/>
<source>Customize profile</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="442"/>
<source>Encrypt your account with a password</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="445"/>
<source>Enter a nickname, surname...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="448"/>
<source>Set username</source>
<translation>Kullanıcı adını ayarlayın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="449"/>
<source>Registering name</source>
<translation>Kayıt adı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="452"/>
<source>Register a username</source>
<translation>Kullanıcı adı kaydet</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="453"/>
<source>Register username</source>
<translation>Kullanıcı adını kaydet</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="454"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="457"/>
<source>Link a new device to this account</source>
<translation>Bu hesaba yeni aygıt bağla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="458"/>
<source>Link another device</source>
<translation>Diğer aygıtı bağla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="459"/>
<source>Exporting account</source>
<translation>Hesap dışa aktarılıyor...</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="460"/>
<source>Remove Device</source>
<translation>Aygıtı Kaldır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="461"/>
<source>Are you sure you wish to remove this device?</source>
<translation>Bu aygıtı kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="462"/>
<source>Linked Devices</source>
<translation>Bağlı Aygıtlar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="463"/>
<source>Your PIN is:</source>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="464"/>
<source>Error connecting to the network.
Please try again later.</source>
<translation>Ağa bağlanırken hata.
Lütfen yeniden deneyin.</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="467"/>
<source>Display banned contacts</source>
<translation>Engellenmiş kişileri görüntüle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="468"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="469"/>
<source>Hide banned contacts</source>
<translation>Engellenen kişileri gizle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="470"/>
<source>Banned contacts</source>
<translation>Engellenmiş Kişiler</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="477"/>
<source>Save new device name</source>
<translation>Yeni aygıt adını kaydet</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="478"/>
<source>Edit device name</source>
<translation>Aygıt adını düzenle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="479"/>
<source>Unlink device from account</source>
<translation>Aygıtın hesaptan bağlantısını kaldır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="480"/>
<source>Device Id</source>
<translation>Aygıt Kimliği</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="483"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="486"/>
<source>Select a folder</source>
<translation>Bir klasör seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="487"/>
<source>Enable notifications</source>
<translation>Bildirimleri etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="492"/>
<source>Launch at startup</source>
<translation>Başlangıçta çalıştır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="494"/>
<source>Choose download directory</source>
<translation>İndirme dizinini seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="496"/>
<source>Text zoom</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="497"/>
<source>Change text size (%)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="502"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="503"/>
<source>User interface language</source>
<translation>Kullanıcı arabirimi dili</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="504"/>
<source>Vertical view</source>
<translation>Dikey görünüm</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="505"/>
<source>Horizontal view</source>
<translation>Yatay görünüm</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="508"/>
<source>File transfer</source>
<translation>Dosya aktarımı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="509"/>
<source>Automatically accept incoming files</source>
<translation>Gelen dosyaları kendiliğinden kabul et</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="510"/>
<source>Accept transfer limit</source>
<translation>Aktarma sınırını kabul et</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="511"/>
<source>in MB, 0 = unlimited</source>
<translation>MB&apos;ta, 0 = sınırsız</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="514"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="515"/>
<source>Incorrect password</source>
<translation>Geçersiz parola</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="516"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="534"/>
<source>Network error</source>
<translation> hatası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="517"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="540"/>
<source>Something went wrong</source>
<translation>Bir şeyler yanlış gitti</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="520"/>
<source>Save file</source>
<translation>Dosyayı Kaydet</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="521"/>
<source>Open location</source>
<translation>Konumu </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="522"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="794"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="525"/>
<source>Install beta version</source>
<translation>Beta sürümünü yükle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="526"/>
<source>Check for updates now</source>
<translation>Şimdi güncellemeleri denetle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="527"/>
<source>Enable/Disable automatic updates</source>
<translation>Kendiliğinden güncellemeleri /kapat</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="529"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="530"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="532"/>
<source>No new version of Jami was found</source>
<translation>Jami&apos;nin yeni sürümü bulunamadı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="533"/>
<source>An error occured when checking for a new version</source>
<translation>Yeni sürüm denetlenirken hata oluştu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="535"/>
<source>SSL error</source>
<translation>SSL hatası</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="536"/>
<source>Installer download canceled</source>
<translation>Yükleyici indirme işlemi iptal edildi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="538"/>
<source>This will uninstall your current Release version and you can always download the latest Release version on our website</source>
<translation>Bu, var olan uygulama sürümünüzü kaldıracak. Her zaman web sitemizdeki en son uygulama sürümünü indirebilirsiniz</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="539"/>
<source>Network disconnected</source>
<translation> bağlı değil</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="543"/>
<translation>Sorun Giderme</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="544"/>
<source>Open logs</source>
<translation>Kayıtları </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="545"/>
<source>Get logs</source>
<translation>Kayıtları al</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="547"/>
<source>(Experimental) Enable call support for swarm</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="548"/>
<source>This feature will enable call buttons in swarms with multiple participants.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="551"/>
<source>Select a record directory</source>
<translation>Bir kayıt dizini seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="552"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="556"/>
<source>Always record calls</source>
<translation>Her zaman çağrıları kaydet</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="559"/>
<source>Keyboard Shortcut Table</source>
<translation>Klavye Kısayolları Tablosu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="560"/>
<source>Keyboard Shortcuts</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="562"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="736"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="563"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="564"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="565"/>
<source>Open account list</source>
<translation>Hesap listesini </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="566"/>
<source>Focus conversations list</source>
<translation>Konuşma listesine odaklan</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="567"/>
<source>Requests list</source>
<translation>İstek listesi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="568"/>
<source>Previous conversation</source>
<translation>Önceki konuşma</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="569"/>
<source>Next conversation</source>
<translation>Sonraki konuşma</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="570"/>
<source>Search bar</source>
<translation>Arama çubuğu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="571"/>
<source>Full screen</source>
<translation>Tam ekran</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="572"/>
<source>Clear history</source>
<translation>Geçmişi temizle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="573"/>
<source>Media settings</source>
<translation>Ortam ayarları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="574"/>
<source>General settings</source>
<translation>Genel ayarlar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="575"/>
<source>Account settings</source>
<translation>Hesap ayarları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="576"/>
<source>Plugin settings</source>
<translation>Eklenti ayarları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="577"/>
<source>Answer an incoming call</source>
<translation>Gelen aramayı yanıtla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="578"/>
<source>Decline the call request</source>
<translation>Arama isteğini reddet</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="579"/>
<source>Open account creation wizard</source>
<translation>Hesap oluşturma yardımcısını </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="580"/>
<source>Open keyboard shortcut table</source>
<translation>Klavye kısayolları tablosunu </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="583"/>
<translation>Hata ayıkla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="584"/>
<source>Show Stats</source>
<translation>İstatistikleri Göster</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="585"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="586"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="588"/>
<source>Report Bug</source>
<translation>Hata Bildir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="589"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="590"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="749"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="591"/>
<source>Copied to clipboard!</source>
<translation>Panoya kopyalandı!</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="592"/>
<source>Receive Logs</source>
<translation>Kayıtları Al</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="595"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="596"/>
<source>Open file</source>
<translation>Dosyayı </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="602"/>
<source>Generating account</source>
<translation>Hesap oluşturuluyor...</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="603"/>
<source>Import from backup</source>
<translation>Yedekten içe aktarın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="604"/>
<source>Import from archive backup</source>
<translation>Arşiv yedeklemesinden içe aktar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="606"/>
<source>Select archive file</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="611"/>
<source>Enter Jami account password</source>
<translation>Jami hesap parolanızı girin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="612"/>
<source>Enter the PIN from another configured Jami account. Use the &quot;Link Another Device&quot; feature to obtain a PIN.</source>
<translation>Başka yapılandırılmış Jami hesabından PIN&apos;i girin. PIN edinmek için &quot;Diğer Aygıtı Bağla&quot; özelliğini kullanın.</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="614"/>
<source>Link device</source>
<translation>Aygıt bağla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="615"/>
<translation>İçe Aktar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="617"/>
<source>A PIN is required to use an existing Jami account on this device.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="623"/>
<source>Choose the account to link</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="630"/>
<source>The PIN and the account password should be entered in your device within 10 minutes.</source>
<translation>PIN ve hesap parolası 10 dakika içinde aygıtınıza girilmelidir.</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="647"/>
<source>Choose a picture</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="839"/>
<source>Reinstate member</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="855"/>
<source>Delete message</source>
<translation>İletiyi sil</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="856"/>
<source>*(Deleted Message)*</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="857"/>
<source>Edit message</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="337"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="631"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="555"/>
<source>Call recording</source>
<translation>Arama kaydı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="607"/>
<source>If the account is encrypted with a password, please fill the following field.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="616"/>
<source>Enter the PIN code</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="618"/>
<source>Step 01</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="619"/>
<source>Step 02</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="620"/>
<source>Step 03</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="621"/>
<source>Step 04</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="622"/>
<source>Go to the account management settings of a previous device</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="625"/>
<source>The PIN code will be available for 10 minutes</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="626"/>
<source>Fill if the account is password-encrypted.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="632"/>
<source>Enter account&apos;s password</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="633"/>
<source>Add Device</source>
<translation>Aygıt Ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="636"/>
<source>Enter the password</source>
<translation>Parolayı girin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="637"/>
<source>Enter current password</source>
<translation>Şimdiki parolayı girin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="638"/>
<source>Enter this account&apos;s password to confirm the removal of this device</source>
<translation>Bu aygıtın kaldırılmasını onaylamak için bu hesabın parolasını girin.</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="639"/>
<source>Enter new password</source>
<translation>Yeni parolayı girin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="640"/>
<source>Confirm new password</source>
<translation>Yeni parolayı doğrulayın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="641"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="642"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="643"/>
<translation>Dışa aktar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="648"/>
<source>Import avatar from image file</source>
<translation>Resim dosyasından avatar içe aktarın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="649"/>
<source>Stop taking photo</source>
<translation>Fotoğraf çekmeyi durdur</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="650"/>
<source>Clear avatar image</source>
<translation>Avatar görselini kaldır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="651"/>
<source>Take photo</source>
<translation>Fotoğraf çek</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="655"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="656"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="657"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="658"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="659"/>
<source>Reset Preferences</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="660"/>
<source>Select a plugin to install</source>
<translation>Kurmak için bir eklenti seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="661"/>
<source>Install plugin</source>
<translation>Eklenti kur</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="662"/>
<source>Uninstall plugin</source>
<translation>Eklentiyi kaldır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="663"/>
<source>Are you sure you wish to reset %1 preferences?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="664"/>
<source>Are you sure you wish to uninstall %1?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="665"/>
<source>Display or hide preferences</source>
<translation>Tercihleri göster veya gizle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="666"/>
<source>Add new plugin</source>
<translation>Yeni eklenti ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="667"/>
<source>Go back to plugins list</source>
<translation>Eklenti listesine geri gön</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="668"/>
<source>Select a file</source>
<translation>Bir dosya seç</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="669"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="670"/>
<source>Choose image file</source>
<translation>Görsel dosyasını seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="671"/>
<source>Display or hide General plugin settings</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="672"/>
<source>Display or hide Account plugin settings</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="673"/>
<source>Installed plugins</source>
<translation>Kurulu eklentiler</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="674"/>
<source>Plugin Files (*.jpl)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="675"/>
<translation>Yükle/Yüklemeyi Kaldır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="676"/>
<source>Select An Image to %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="677"/>
<source>Edit preference</source>
<translation>Tercihi düzenle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="678"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="679"/>
<source>Choose Plugin</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="682"/>
<source>Profile is only shared with contacts</source>
<translation>Profil, yalnızca kişilerle paylaşılır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="683"/>
<source>Save profile</source>
<translation>Profili kaydet</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="684"/>
<source>Enter your name</source>
<translation>Adınızı girin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="685"/>
<source>Enter the rendezvous point&apos;s name</source>
<translation>Buluşma noktasının adını girin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="686"/>
<source>Creating rendezvous point</source>
<translation>Buluşma noktası oluşturuluyor...</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="687"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="688"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="691"/>
<source>Enter the account password to confirm the removal of this device</source>
<translation>Bu aygıtın kaldırılmasını doğrulamak için hesap parolasını gir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="694"/>
<source>Select a screen to share</source>
<translation>Paylaşacak ekran seç</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="695"/>
<source>Select a window to share</source>
<translation>Paylaşmak için bir pencere seçin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="696"/>
<source>All Screens</source>
<translation>Tüm Ekranlar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="697"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="698"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="699"/>
<source>Screen %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="702"/>
<source>QR code</source>
<translation>QR kodu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="705"/>
<source>Account QR</source>
<translation>Hesap QR&apos;ı</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="708"/>
<source>This is your Jami username.
Copy and share it with your friends!</source>
<translation>Bu sizin Jami kullanıcı adınız.
Kopyalayın ve arkadaşlarınızla paylaşın!</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="709"/>
<source>Link this device to an existing account</source>
<translation>Bu aygıtı var olan hesaba bağla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="710"/>
<source>Import from another device</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="711"/>
<source>Import from an archive backup</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="712"/>
<source>Advanced features</source>
<translation>Gelişmiş özellikler</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="713"/>
<source>Show advanced features</source>
<translation>Gelişmiş özellikleri göster</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="714"/>
<source>Hide advanced features</source>
<translation>Gelişmiş özellikleri gizle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="715"/>
<source>Connect to a JAMS server</source>
<translation>Bir JAMS sunucusuna bağlan</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="716"/>
<source>Create account from Jami Account Management Server (JAMS)</source>
<translation>Jami Hesap Yönetim Sunucusundan (JAMS) hesap oluşturun</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="717"/>
<source>Configure a SIP account</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="718"/>
<source>Error while creating your account. Check your credentials.</source>
<translation>Hesabınız oluşturulurken hata oluştu. Lütfen kimlik bilgilerinizi denetleyin.</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="719"/>
<source>Create a rendezvous point</source>
<translation>Bir buluşma noktası oluştur</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="720"/>
<source>Create a Jami account</source>
<translation>Jami hesabı oluştur</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="721"/>
<source>Join Jami</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="722"/>
<source>Create new Jami account</source>
<translation>Yeni Jami hesabı oluşturun</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="723"/>
<source>Create new SIP account</source>
<translation>Yeni SİP Hesabı Oluştur</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="724"/>
<source>About Jami</source>
<translation>Jami Hakkında</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="725"/>
<source>Welcome to</source>
<translation>Hoş Geldiniz</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="727"/>
<source>I already have an account</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="728"/>
<source>Use existing Jami account</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="729"/>
<source>Welcome to Jami</source>
<translation>Jami&apos;ye Hoşgeldiniz</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="730"/>
<source>Share this Jami identifier to be contacted on this account!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="731"/>
<source>Here is your Jami identifier, don&apos;t hesitate to share it in order to be contacted more easily!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="734"/>
<source>Clear Text</source>
<translation>Yazıyı Temizle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="735"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="737"/>
<source>Search Results</source>
<translation>Arama Sonuçları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="740"/>
<source>Decline contact request</source>
<translation>İletişim isteğini reddet</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="741"/>
<source>Accept contact request</source>
<translation>İletişim talebini kabul et</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="744"/>
<source>Automatically check for updates</source>
<translation>Güncellemeleri kendiliğinden denetle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="747"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="748"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="750"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="751"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="752"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="754"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="757"/>
<source>Set moderator</source>
<translation>Oturum başkanı ayarla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="758"/>
<source>Unset moderator</source>
<translation>Oturum başkanı ayarını kaldır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="332"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="761"/>
<translation>En büyük</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="331"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="762"/>
<translation>En küçük</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="763"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="764"/>
<source>Local muted</source>
<translation>Sizde sessiz</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="767"/>
<source>Conference moderation</source>
<translation>Toplantı yönetimi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="768"/>
<source>Default moderators</source>
<translation>Öntanımlı oturum başkanları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="769"/>
<source>Enable local moderators</source>
<translation>Yerel moderatörleri etkinleştir</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="770"/>
<source>Make all participants moderators</source>
<translation>Tüm katılımcıları oturum başkanı yap</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="771"/>
<source>Add default moderator</source>
<translation>Öntanımlı oturum başkanı ekleyin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="772"/>
<source>Remove default moderator</source>
<translation>Öntanımlı oturum başkanını kaldırın</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="779"/>
<source>Is swarm:</source>
<translation>Küme mi?:</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="780"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="781"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="784"/>
<source>Add emoji</source>
<translation>Emoji ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="786"/>
<source>Send file</source>
<translation>Dosya gönder</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="787"/>
<source>Leave audio message</source>
<translation>Sesli ileti bırak</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="788"/>
<source>Leave video message</source>
<translation>Görüntülü ileti bırak</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="789"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="753"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="790"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="44"/>
<source>Migrate conversation</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="489"/>
<source>Show notifications</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="490"/>
<source>Minimize on close</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="491"/>
<source>Run at system startup</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="493"/>
<source>Download directory</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="500"/>
<source>Typing indicators</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="501"/>
<source>Show link previews</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="597"/>
<source>Create account from backup</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="598"/>
<source>You can obtain an archive by clicking on &quot;Back up account&quot; in the Account Settings. This will create a .gz file on your device.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="601"/>
<source>Restore account from backup</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="605"/>
<source>Import Jami account from local archive file.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="652"/>
<source>Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.JPG *.JPEG *.PNG)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="796"/>
<source>Write to %1</source>
<translation>%1 &apos;e yaz</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="810"/>
<source>%1 has sent you a request for a conversation.</source>
<translation>%1 size bir konuşma için istek yolladı.</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="811"/>
Would you like to join the conversation?</source>
Konuşmaya katılmak ister misin?</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="812"/>
<source>You have accepted
the conversation request</source>
<translation>Konuşma isteğini
kabul ettiniz</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="813"/>
<source>Waiting until %1
connects to synchronize the conversation.</source>
<translation>Sohbeti senkronize etmek için %1
bağlanana kadar bekleyin</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="816"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="817"/>
<source>%1 Members</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="818"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="819"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="820"/>
<source>Swarm&apos;s name</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="821"/>
<source>Add a description</source>
<translation>Açıklama ekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="824"/>
<source>Ignore all notifications from this conversation</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="825"/>
<source>Choose a color</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="827"/>
<source>Leave conversation</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="828"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="829"/>
<source>Type of swarm</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="834"/>
<source>You can add %1 more people in the swarm</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="835"/>
<source>Create the swarm</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="836"/>
<source>Go to conversation</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="837"/>
<source>Promote to administrator</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="838"/>
<source>Kick member</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="840"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="841"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="842"/>
<source>Remove member</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="843"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="846"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="848"/>
<location filename="../src/app/constant/JamiStrings.qml" line="851"/>
<source>Your profile is only shared with your contacts</source>
<translation>Profiliniz yalnızca kişilerinizle paylaşılır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="44"/>
<source>Open account list</source>
<translation>Hesap listesini </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="49"/>
<source>Focus conversations list</source>
<translation>Konuşma listesine odaklan</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="54"/>
<source>Requests list</source>
<translation>İstek listesi</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="59"/>
<source>Previous conversation</source>
<translation>Önceki konuşma</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="64"/>
<source>Next conversation</source>
<translation>Sonraki konuşma</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="69"/>
<source>Search bar</source>
<translation>Arama çubuğu</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="74"/>
<source>Full screen</source>
<translation>Tam ekran</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="79"/>
<source>Increase font size</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="84"/>
<source>Decrease font size</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="89"/>
<source>Reset font size</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="99"/>
<source>Start an audio call</source>
<translation>Sesli arama başlat</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="104"/>
<source>Start a video call</source>
<translation>Görüntülü arama başlat</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="109"/>
<source>Clear history</source>
<translation>Geçmişi temizle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="114"/>
<source>Search messages/files</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="119"/>
<source>Block contact</source>
<translation>Kişiyi engelle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="124"/>
<source>Remove conversation</source>
<translation>Konuşma sil</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="129"/>
<source>Accept contact request</source>
<translation>İletişim talebini kabul et</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="134"/>
<source>Edit last message</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="139"/>
<source>Cancel message edition</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="149"/>
<source>Media settings</source>
<translation>Ortam ayarları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="154"/>
<source>General settings</source>
<translation>Genel ayarlar</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="159"/>
<source>Account settings</source>
<translation>Hesap ayarları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="164"/>
<source>Plugin settings</source>
<translation>Eklenti ayarları</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="169"/>
<source>Open account creation wizard</source>
<translation>Hesap oluşturma yardımcısını </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="174"/>
<source>Open keyboard shortcut table</source>
<translation>Klavye kısayolları tablosunu </translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="184"/>
<source>Answer an incoming call</source>
<translation>Gelen aramayı yanıtla</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="189"/>
<source>End call</source>
<translation>Çağrıyı sonlandır</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="194"/>
<source>Decline the call request</source>
<translation>Arama isteğini reddet</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="199"/>
<source>Mute microphone</source>
<translation>Mikrofon sessiz</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="204"/>
<source>Stop camera</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="208"/>
<source>Mouse middle click</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainview/components/KeyboardShortcutTable.qml" line="209"/>
<source>Take tile screenshot</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/settingsview/components/LocationSharingSettings.qml" line="84"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/settingsview/components/LocationSharingSettings.qml" line="86"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/settingsview/components/LocationSharingSettings.qml" line="88"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainapplication.cpp" line="361"/>
<translation>Ç&amp;ıkış Yap</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/mainapplication.cpp" line="363"/>
<location filename="../src/app/mainapplication.cpp" line="369"/>
<source>&amp;Show Jami</source>
<translation>&amp;Jami&apos;yi Göster</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/webengine/map/MapPositionSharingControl.qml" line="58"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/webengine/map/MapPositionSharingControl.qml" line="60"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/webengine/map/MapPositionSharingControl.qml" line="64"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/webengine/map/MapPositionSharingControl.qml" line="66"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/webengine/map/MapPositionSharingControl.qml" line="69"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/positionmanager.cpp" line="409"/>
<source>%1 is sharing it&apos;s location</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/positionmanager.cpp" line="414"/>
<source>Location sharing</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/qtwrapper/callmanager_wrap.h" line="473"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="62"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="64"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="66"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="68"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="70"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="361"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="72"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="74"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<translation>Arama yapılıyor</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="76"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="378"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="78"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="84"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="80"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="82"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Peer busy</source>
<translation> meşgul</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/call.h" line="86"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Communication established</source>
<translation>Bağlantı sağlandı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="211"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="1004"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Invitation received</source>
<translation>Davetiye alındı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/interaction.h" line="260"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="208"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="1002"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Contact added</source>
<translation>Kişi eklendi</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/interaction.h" line="262"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>%1 was invited to join</source>
<translation>%1 katılmaya davet edildi</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/interaction.h" line="264"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>%1 joined</source>
<translation>%1 katıldı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/interaction.h" line="266"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>%1 left</source>
<translation>%1 çıkış yapıldı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/interaction.h" line="268"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>%1 was kicked</source>
<translation>%1 atıldı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/interaction.h" line="270"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>%1 was re-added</source>
<translation>%1 tekrar eklendi</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/api/interaction.h" line="358"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Swarm created</source>
<translation>Küme oluşturuldu</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="174"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="180"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="1000"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Outgoing call</source>
<translation>Giden arama</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="176"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="186"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Incoming call</source>
<translation>Gelen arama</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="182"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="998"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Missed outgoing call</source>
<translation>Yanıtsız giden arama</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="188"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Missed incoming call</source>
<translation>Yanıtsız gelen arama</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="198"/>
<source>Join call</source>
<translation>Çağrıya katıl</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="213"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp" line="1006"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Invitation accepted</source>
<translation>Davetiye alındı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/avmodel.cpp" line="386"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/avmodel.cpp" line="405"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="72"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="73"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="74"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="75"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Being Forwarded</source>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="76"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="77"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="78"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="79"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<translation>Kabul edildi</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="80"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Multiple Choices</source>
<translation>Çoklu Seçimler</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="81"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Moved Permanently</source>
<translation>Kalıcı Olarak Taşındı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="82"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Moved Temporarily</source>
<translation>Geçici Olarak Taşındı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="83"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Use Proxy</source>
<translation>Vekil Kullan</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="84"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Alternative Service</source>
<translation>Alternatif servis</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="85"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Bad Request</source>
<translation>Geçersiz istek</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="86"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="87"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Payment Required</source>
<translation>Ödeme Gerekli</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="88"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="89"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Not Found</source>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="90"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Method Not Allowed</source>
<translation>Metod Kabul Edilmiyor</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="91"/>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="111"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Not Acceptable</source>
<translation>Kabul Edilemez</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="92"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Proxy Authentication Required</source>
<translation>Vekil Kimlik Doğrulaması Gerekli</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="93"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Request Timeout</source>
<translation>İstek Zaman Aşımına Uğradı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="94"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="95"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Request Entity Too Large</source>
<translation>Girilen veri çok fazla</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="96"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Request URI Too Long</source>
<translation>URI İsteği Çok Uzun</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="97"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Unsupported Media Type</source>
<translation>Desteklenmeyen Ortam Türü</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="98"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Unsupported URI Scheme</source>
<translation>Desteklenmeyen URI Düzeni</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="99"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Bad Extension</source>
<translation>Hatalı Uzantı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="100"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Extension Required</source>
<translation>Uzantı Gerekli</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="101"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Session Timer Too Small</source>
<translation>Oturum Zamanlayıcısı Çok Küçük</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="102"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Interval Too Brief</source>
<translation>Aralık Çok Kısa</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="103"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Temporarily Unavailable</source>
<translation>Geçici olarak kullanım dışı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="104"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Call TSX Does Not Exist</source>
<translation>TSX Çağrısı Yok</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="105"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Loop Detected</source>
<translation>Döngü Algılandı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="106"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Too Many Hops</source>
<translation>Çok Fazla Atlama</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="107"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Address Incomplete</source>
<translation>Adres Eksik</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="108"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="109"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="110"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Request Terminated</source>
<translation>İstek Sonlandırıldı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="112"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Bad Event</source>
<translation>Kötü Etkinlik</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="113"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Request Updated</source>
<translation>İstek Güncellendi</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="114"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Request Pending</source>
<translation>İstek Beklemede</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="115"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="116"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Internal Server Error</source>
<translation>İç Sunucu Hatası</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="117"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Not Implemented</source>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="118"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Bad Gateway</source>
<translation>Bozuk Geçidi</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="119"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Service Unavailable</source>
<translation>Hizmet kullanılamıyor</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="120"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Server Timeout</source>
<translation>Sunucu Zaman Aşımı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="121"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Version Not Supported</source>
<translation>Sürüm Desteklenmiyor</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="122"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Message Too Large</source>
<translation>İleti Çok Büyük</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="123"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Precondition Failure</source>
<translation>Ön Koşul Hatası</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="124"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Busy Everywhere</source>
<translation>Her Yerde Meşgul</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="125"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Call Refused</source>
<translation>Arama reddedildi</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="126"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Does Not Exist Anywhere</source>
<translation>Herhangi Bir Yerde Yok</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/callmodel.cpp" line="127"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Not Acceptable Anywhere</source>
<translation>Hiçbir Yerde Kabul Edilemez</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="363"/>
<translation>Kabul et</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="355"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="359"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="368"/>
<source>Unable to make contact</source>
<translation>İletişim kurulamadı</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="372"/>
<source>Waiting for contact</source>
<translation>İletişim bekleniyor</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="374"/>
<source>Incoming transfer</source>
<translation>Gelen aktarım</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="376"/>
<source>Timed out waiting for contact</source>
<translation>İletişim zaman aşımına uğradı</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="720"/>
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="722"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="365"/>
<translation>İptal edildi</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="370"/>
<translation>Devam Ediyor</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="701"/>
<source>just now</source>
<translation>Şu an</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/messagesadapter.cpp" line="357"/>
<location filename="../src/app/positioning.cpp" line="99"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/positioning.cpp" line="102"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/positioning.cpp" line="104"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="62"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="100"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="108"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="154"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="174"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="175"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="63"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="101"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="118"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="155"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="176"/>
<location filename="../src/app/smartlistmodel.cpp" line="177"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/systemtray.cpp" line="219"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/systemtray.cpp" line="220"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/systemtray.cpp" line="222"/>
<source>Open conversation</source>
<translation>Konuşma </translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/systemtray.cpp" line="224"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<translation>Kabul et</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/systemtray.cpp" line="225"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<translation>Geri Çevir</translation>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="28"/>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="31"/>
<source>What does Jami mean?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="37"/>
<source>What is the green dot next to my account?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="33"/>
<source>The choice of the name Jami was inspired by the Swahili word &apos;jamii&apos;, which means &apos;community&apos; as a noun and &apos;together&apos; as an adverb.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="29"/>
<source>Backup account</source>
<translation>Hesabı yedekle</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="39"/>
<source>A red dot means that your account is disconnected from the network; it turns green when it&apos;s connected.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="44"/>
<source>Why should I back up my account?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="46"/>
<source>Jami is distributed and your account is only stored locally on your device. If you lose your password or your local account data, you WILL NOT be able to recover your account if you did not back it up earlier.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="52"/>
<source>Can I make a conference call?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="57"/>
<source>What is a Jami account?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="59"/>
<source>A Jami account is an asymmetric encryption key. Your account is identified by a Jami ID, which is a fingerprint of your public key.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="63"/>
<source>What information do I need to provide to create a Jami account?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="65"/>
<source>When you create a new Jami account, you do not have to provide any private information like an email, address, or phone number.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="72"/>
<source>With Jami, your account is stored in a directory on your device. The password is only used to encrypt your account in order to protect you from someone who has physical access to your device.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="92"/>
<source>Your account is only stored on your own devices. If you delete your account from all of your devices, the account is gone forever and you CANNOT recover it.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="96"/>
<source>Can I use my account on multiple devices?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="98"/>
<source>Yes, you can link your account from the settings, or you can import your backup on another device.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="70"/>
<source>Why don&apos;t I have to use a password?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="54"/>
<source>In a call, you can click on &quot;Add participants&quot; to add a contact to a call.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="78"/>
<source>Why don&apos;t I have to register a username?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="80"/>
<source>The most permanent, secure identifier is your Jami ID, but since these are difficult to use for some people, you also have the option of registering a username.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="85"/>
<source>How can I back up my account?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="86"/>
<source>In Account Settings, a button is available to create a backup your account.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/tipsmodel.cpp" line="90"/>
<source>What happens when I delete my account?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"/>
<location filename="../src/app/utilsadapter.cpp" line="313"/>
<source>%1 Mbps</source>
<translation>%1 Mb/sn</translation>
<location filename="../src/app/utilsadapter.cpp" line="313"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/app/utilsadapter.cpp" line="511"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp" line="478"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<location filename="../src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp" line="1017"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Invalid ID</source>
<translation>Geçersiz kimlik</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp" line="1020"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Username not found</source>
<translation>Kullanıcı adı bulunamadı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp" line="1023"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Couldn&apos;t lookup</source>
<translation>Arama yapılamadı</translation>
<location filename="../src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp" line="439"/>
misc: vendor libjamiclient into 'src/libclient/' This is libjamiclient from the jami-libclient.git repository as of 767c45b8b09806ac05cbada720864df93588c047, with the following changes: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: (NewAccountModelPimpl::removeFromAccounts): The lock wait inside '#ifdef CHK_FREEABLE_BEFORE_ERASE_ACCOUNT' was not updated when the type of 'accounts' was changed over the years from this: std::map<std::string, account::Info> to this: std::map<QString, std::pair<account::Info, std::shared_ptr<Database>>> Basically we need to get the 'first' of the pair for 'account::Info'. So we now do that. * src/libclient/avmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/callbackshandler.cpp: * src/libclient/contactmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/conversationmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/database.cpp: * src/libclient/namedirectory.cpp: * src/libclient/newaccountmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newcallmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/newdevicemodel.cpp: * src/libclient/peerdiscoverymodel.cpp: * src/libclient/pluginmodel.cpp: * src/libclient/smartinfohub.cpp: * src/libclient/vcard.h: * src/libclient/authority/storagehelper.cpp: Replace Qt's 'foreach' with 'Q_FOREACH' and its 'emit' with 'Q_EMIT' because in the client-qt code base we have '-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS' to avoid conflicts with other libraries we use. * cmake/FindLibJami.cmake: Import cmake/FindRing.cmake from the jami-libclient.git repository. Then, rename RING_BUILD_DIR to LIBJAMI_BUILD_DIR (though the old name is still supported for now). Also update other references of Ring to Jami. Further, add additional calls to 'find_library' to make sure specified local paths for libjami are checked before system-wide ones (in case of older/obsolete libjami being available system-wide, which might happen on GNU/Linux systems). * translations/lrc_*.ts: Import translation files from the libclient repository. The message location paths were corrected by running "sed -i 's|../src|&/libclient|g' lrc_*.ts" in 'translations/'. .tx/config: Add section for the newly-imported libclient translations. * CMakeLists.txt: Reformat, plus various fixes and cleanups, such as changing indentation to 2 spaces and wrapping lines at 70 characters, renaming the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami', and using all lowercase function calls. Also add copyright headers. * src/app/appsettingsmanager.cpp: (AppSettingsManager::loadTranslations): * src/app/utilsadapter.cpp (UtilsAdapter::supportedLang): Update to adapt to the renaming of the parent directory of translations from 'ring' to 'jami'. GitLab: #748 Change-Id: I86e3b0fb30e554755023e7b858b6a0d132cd59ab
2022-05-06 22:00:16 +02:00
<source>Bad URI scheme</source>
<translation>Hatalı URI şeması</translation>