CallAdapter %1 missed call Missed call with %1 me %1 incoming call %1 is calling you is calling you ConversationsAdapter %1 received a new message %1 received a new trust request CurrentConversation Private Private group (restricted invites) Private group Public group An error occurred while fetching this repository The conversation's mode is un-recognized An invalid message was detected Not enough authorization for updating conversation's infos DevicesListPopup Device Id JamiStrings Accept اقبل Accept in audio Accept in video Refuse أرفض End call إنهاء المكالمة Incoming audio call from {} Incoming video call from {} Invitations الدعوات Jami is a universal communication platform, with privacy as its foundation, that relies on a free distributed network for everyone. Migrating to the Swarm technology will enable synchronizing this conversation across multiple devices and improve reliability. The legacy conversation history will be cleared in the process. Could not re-connect to the Jami daemon (jamid). Jami will now quit. Trying to reconnect to the Jami daemon (jamid)… Version الإصدار Jami is a free universal communication software that respects the freedom and privacy of its users. Credits الأطراف الداعمة Display QR code Open settings Close settings Add Account Add to conference Add to conversation Transfer this call Transfer to Authentication required Your session has expired or been revoked on this device. Please enter your password. JAMS server Authenticate Delete account حذف الحساب In progress… Authentication failed Password كلمة السر Username اسم مستخدم Alias الاسم المستعار Call Settings Allow incoming calls from unknown contacts السماح بمكالمات واردة من جهات إتصال غير معروفة Convert your account into a rendezvous point Automatically answer calls Enable custom ringtone Select custom ringtone Add a custom ringtone Select a new ringtone Certificate File (*.crt) Audio File (*.wav *.ogg *.opus *.mp3 *.aiff *.wma) Chat Settings Enable read receipts تمكين إيصالات القراءة Send and receive receipts indicating that a message have been displayed Voicemail البريد الصوتي Voicemail dial code Security تأمين Encrypt media streams (SRTP) نظام تشفير تدفق الوسائط (SRTP) Enable SDES key exchange Allow fallback on RTP Encrypt negotiation (TLS) نظام تشفير التفاوض (TLS) CA certificate شهادة CA User certificate شهادة المستخدم Private key المفتاح الخاص Private key password كلمة سر المفتاح الخاص Verify certificates for incoming TLS connections Verify server TLS certificates Require certificate for incoming TLS connections TLS protocol method نهج نظام TLS Audio input device selector TLS server name Negotiation timeout (seconds) إنقضاء فترة التفاوض (ثواني) Select a private key Select a user certificate Select a CA certificate Key File (*.key) Connectivity الاتصال Auto Registration After Expired Registration expiration time (seconds) Network interface واجهة الشبكة Use UPnP Use TURN إستعمل خادم TURN TURN address عنوان بروتوكول TURN TURN username اسم المستخدم لبروتوكول TURN TURN password كلمة المرور لبروتوكول TURN TURN Realm Use STUN إستعمل خادم STUN STUN address عنوان STUN Allow IP Auto Rewrite Public address Use custom address and port استخدام عنوان ونقطة عبور مخصصين Address العنوان Port منفذ عبور Media وسائط Enable video فعل الفيديو Video Codecs Audio Codecs Name Server SDP Session Negotiation (ICE Fallback) جلسة تفاوض SDP (حل تعويض ICE) Only used during negotiation in case ICE is not supported Audio RTP minimum Port Audio RTP maximum Port Video RTP minimum Port Video RTP maximum port Enable local peer discovery تمكين اكتشاف النظراء المحلي Connect to other DHT nodes advertising on your local network. OpenDHT Configuration Enable proxy تفعيل البروكسي Proxy address Bootstrap تشغيل ذاتي Back السابق Account Settings Account الحساب General عام Plugin Audio and Video Settings Audio/Video صوت/فيديو Audio صوت Microphone الميكرفون Select audio input device Output device Select audio output device Ringtone device Select ringtone output device Audio manager Video فيديو Select video device Device جهاز Resolution دقة العرض (resolution) Select video resolution Frames per second Select video frame rate (frames per second) Enable hardware acceleration تمكين تسريع الأجهزة Preview unavailable Screen Sharing مشاركة الشاشة Select screen sharing frame rate (frames per second) حدد معدل إطارات مشاركة الشاشة ﴿إطارات في الثانية﴾ no video لا يوجد فيديو Back up account here Back up account Unavailable Turn off sharing Stop location sharing in this conversation (%1) Hide chat Choose a password to encrypt your account on this device. Note that the password CANNOT be recovered. You can choose a username to help others more easily find and reach you on Jami. Are you sure you would like to join Jami without a username? If yes, only a randomly generated 40-character identifier will be assigned to this account. - 32 characters maximum - Alphabetical characters (A to Z and a to z) - Numeric characters (0 to 9) - Special characters allowed: dash (-) Your account will be created and stored locally. Choosing a username is recommended, and a chosen username CANNOT be changed later. Encrypting your account with a password is optional, and if the password is lost it CANNOT be recovered later. Setting a profile picture and nickname is optional, and can also be changed later in the settings. Back up account to a .gz file This profile is only shared with this account's contacts. The profile can be changed at all times from the account's settings. A Jami account is created and stored locally only on this device, as an archive containing your account keys. Access to this archive can optionally be protected by a password. Please note that if you lose your password, it CANNOT be recovered! Would you really like to delete this account? If your account has not been backed up or added to another device, your account and registered username will be IRREVOCABLY LOST. Dark Light Application theme Select "Link another device" The PIN code will be valid for 10 minutes. Choose a picture as your avatar Share freely and privately with Jami more emojis Reply to In reply to Reply رد Edit تصحيح Edited Join call إلتحق بمكالمة A call is in progress. Do you want to join the call? Current host for this swarm seems unreachable. Do you want to host the call? Choose a dedicated device for hosting future calls in this swarm. If not set, the device starting a call will host it. Choose this device Remove current device Host only this call Host this call Make me the default host for future calls Mute conversation Default host (calls) None You can add 7 people in the swarm Tip Add a profile picture and nickname to complete your profile This profile is only shared with this account's contacts Why should I save my account? Skip تخطي Find users and conversations Start swarm Create swarm Show invitations Disable secure dialog check for incoming TLS data Why should I back-up this account? Your account only exists on this device. If you lose your device or uninstall the application, your account will be deleted and CANNOT be recovered. You can back up your account now or later (in the Account Settings). Success نجاح Error خطأ Never show me this again لا تظهر لي هذا مرة أخرى Recommended موصى به Jami archive files (*.gz) All files (*) Reinstate as contact name Identifier is recording are recording Peer stopped recording is calling you Mute كتم Unmute إعادة الصوت Pause call Resume call Mute camera Unmute camera Add participant أضف مشارك Add participants Details التفاصيل Chat محادثة كتابية More options Mosaic Participant is still muted on their device You are still muted on your device You are still muted by moderator You are muted by a moderator Moderator Host Local and Moderator muted Moderator muted Not muted On the side On the top Hide self Hide spectators Copy نسخ Share مشاركة Cut إقطتاع Paste لصق Start video call بدء مكالمة فيديو Start audio call بدأ مكالمة صوتية Clear conversation مسح المحادثة Confirm action Remove conversation إزالة المحادثة Would you really like to remove this conversation? Would you really like to block this conversation? Remove contact Block contact حظر جهة إتصال Block swarm Conversation details Contact details تفاصيل جهة الأتصال Hold تعليق Sip input panel Transfer call Stop recording إيقاف التسجيل Start recording Exit full screen إنهاء طريقة عرض ملء الشاشة View full screen طريقة عرض ملء الشاشة Share screen مشاركة الشاشة Share window مشاركة النافذة Stop sharing screen or file Share screen area تقاسم منطقة من الشاشة Share file مشاركة ملف Select sharing method View plugin Advanced information No video device Lower hand Raise hand رفع اليد Layout settings Share location مشاركة الموقع Stop sharing إيقاف المشاركة 10 minutes One hour %1 minutes left %1 minute left Your precise location could not be determined. In Device Settings, please turn on "Location Services". Other participants' location can still be received. Your precise location could not be determined. Please check your Internet connection. Turn off location sharing Location is shared in several conversations Pin map to be able to share location or to turn off location in specific conversations Location is shared in several conversations, click to choose how to turn off location sharing Share location to participants of this conversation (%1) Reduce تقليص Extend Drag Center Unpin Pin Position share duration Limit the duration of location sharing Location sharing Place audio call إجراء مكالمة صوتية Place video call إجراء مكالمة فيديو Show available plugins Add to conversations إضافة إلى المحادثات This is the error from the backend: %0 The account is disabled No network connectivity لا يوجد اتصال بالشبكة Jump to latest التمرير إلى نهاية المحادثة {} is typing… {} are typing… Several people are typing… and Enter the Jami Account Management Server (JAMS) URL Required مطلوب Jami Account Management Server URL Enter JAMS credentials Connect إتصال Creating account… Back to welcome page Choose name Choose username Choose a username Choose an identifier The identifier is not available Encrypt account with password تشفير حساب بكلمة مرور Create account إنشاء حساب Confirm password Optional اختياري Choose a name for your rendezvous point اختر اسماً لنقطة الاجتماع Choose a name Invalid name Invalid username اسم مستخدم غير صالح Name already taken Username already taken اسم المستخدم مستخدم بالفعل Good to know Local Encrypt SIP account Proxy الوكيل Server Create SIP account Configure an existing SIP account Personalize account Add SIP account إضافة حساب SIP Backup successful Backup failed Password changed successfully Password change failed Password set successfully Password set failed Change password تغيير كلمة المرور Set password تعيين كلمة المرور Set a password Change current password Display advanced settings Hide advanced settings Enable account Advanced account settings Customize profile Encrypt your account with a password Enter a nickname, surname... Set username Registering name Register a username Register username Identity الهوية Link a new device to this account Link another device اربط جهازاً آخر Exporting account… Remove Device Are you sure you wish to remove this device? Linked Devices الأجهزة المرتبطة Your PIN is: Error connecting to the network. Please try again later. Display banned contacts Banned Hide banned contacts Banned contacts Save new device name Edit device name Unlink device from account Device Id System نظام Select a folder Enable notifications Launch at startup Choose download directory Record call Text zoom Change text size (%) Layout تخطيط User interface language لغة واجهة المستخدم Vertical view طريقة عرض عمودية Horizontal view طريقة عرض أفقية File transfer نقل ملف Automatically accept incoming files Accept transfer limit in MB, 0 = unlimited Register سجل Incorrect password Network error خطأ في الشبكة Something went wrong Save file حفظ ملف Open location Install beta version Check for updates now Enable/Disable automatic updates toggle automatic updates Updates Update التحديث A new version of Jami was found Would you like to update now? No new version of Jami was found An error occured when checking for a new version SSL error Installer download canceled تم إلغاء تنزيل المثبِّت This will uninstall your current Release version and you can always download the latest Release version on our website Network disconnected Troubleshoot Open logs Get logs (Experimental) Enable call support for swarm This feature will enable call buttons in swarms with multiple participants. Select a record directory Quality الجودة Save in سجل في Call Recording Always record calls تسجيل المكالمات دائمًا Keyboard Shortcut Table Keyboard Shortcuts Conversation Call مكالمة Settings الإعدادات Open account list Focus conversations list Requests list Previous conversation Next conversation Search bar Full screen ملء الشاشة Clear history حذف المحفوظات Media settings General settings Account settings Plugin settings Answer an incoming call Decline the call request Open account creation wizard Open keyboard shortcut table Debug Show Stats Start Stop توقف Report Bug Clear Cancel إلغاء الأمر Copied to clipboard! Receive Logs Archive Open file فتح ملف Generating account… Import from backup استيراد من النسخ الاحتياطي Import from archive backup Select archive file Enter Jami account password Enter the PIN from another configured Jami account. Use the "Link Another Device" feature to obtain a PIN. Link device اربط جهاز Import استيراد PIN رمز الأمان A PIN is required to use an existing Jami account on this device. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Go to the Account Settings of a previous device Choose the account to link The PIN and the account password should be entered in your device within 10 minutes. Delete message حذف رسالة Edit message Close إغلاق Enter account's password Add Device Enter the password Enter current password Enter this account's password to confirm the removal of this device Enter new password Confirm new password Change Confirm Export تصدير Import avatar from image file Stop taking photo Clear avatar image Take photo التقاط صورة Enable تفعيل Preferences Reset Uninstall Reset Preferences Select a plugin to install Install plugin Uninstall plugin Are you sure you wish to reset %1 preferences? Are you sure you wish to uninstall %1? Display or hide preferences Add new plugin Go back to plugins list Select a file إختار ملف Select Choose image file Display or hide General plugin settings Display or hide Account plugin settings Installed plugins Plugin Files (*.jpl) Load/Unload Select An Image to %1 Edit preference On/Off Choose Plugin Profile is only shared with contacts الملف الشخصي تتم مشاركته فقط مع جهات الإتصال Save profile Enter your name إدخال إسمك Enter the rendezvous point's name Creating rendezvous point… Information Profile الملف الشخصى Enter the account password to confirm the removal of this device Select a screen to share حدد شاشة للمشاركة Select a window to share All Screens Screens Windows Screen %1 QR code Account QR This is your Jami username. Copy and share it with your friends! Link this device to an existing account Import from another device Import from an archive backup Advanced features Show advanced features Hide advanced features Connect to a JAMS server Create account from Jami Account Management Server (JAMS) Configure a SIP account Error while creating your account. Check your credentials. Create a rendezvous point إنشاء نقطة اجتماع Create a Jami account إنشاء حساب جامي Join Jami Create new Jami account Create new SIP account About Jami حول جامي Welcome to I already have an account Use existing Jami account Welcome to Jami مرحبا بك في جامي Share this Jami identifier to be contacted on this account! Here is your Jami identifier, don't hesitate to share it in order to be contacted more easily! Clear Text Conversations محادثات Search Results نتائج البحث Decline contact request Accept contact request Automatically check for updates بحث تلقائي عن التحديثات Ok موافق Save سجل Upgrade Later Delete حذف Block حظر Set moderator Unset moderator Maximize تكبير Minimize خفض Hangup إنهاء المكالمة Local muted Conference moderation Default moderators Enable local moderators Make all participants moderators Add default moderator Remove default moderator Is swarm: True False Add emoji Send file إرسال ملف Leave audio message Leave video message Send إرسال Remove احذف Migrate conversation Show notifications Minimize on close Run at system startup Download directory Typing indicators Show link previews Create account from backup You can obtain an archive by clicking on "Back up account" in the Account Settings. This will create a .gz file on your device. Restore account from backup Import Jami account from local archive file. Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.JPG *.JPEG *.PNG) Write to %1 %1 has sent you a request for a conversation. Hello, Would you like to join the conversation? You have accepted the conversation request Waiting until %1 connects to synchronize the conversation. About عن RING %1 Members Member Documents Swarm's name Add a description Ignore all notifications from this conversation Choose a color Leave conversation Leave Type of swarm You can add %1 more people in the swarm Create the swarm Go to conversation Promote to administrator Kick member Administrator Invited Remove member To: Customize Dismiss رفض Your profile is only shared with your contacts حسابك مشارك فقط مع جهات إتصالك KeyboardShortcutTable Open account list Focus conversations list Requests list Previous conversation Next conversation Search bar Full screen ملء الشاشة Increase font size Decrease font size Reset font size Start an audio call Start a video call Clear history حذف المحفوظات Block contact حظر جهة إتصال Remove conversation إزالة المحادثة Accept contact request Edit last message Cancel message edition Media settings General settings Account settings Plugin settings Open account creation wizard Open keyboard shortcut table Answer an incoming call End call إنهاء المكالمة Decline the call request Mute microphone كتم ميكروفون Stop camera LocationSharingSettings %1h%2min %1h %1min MainApplication E&xit &Quit &Show Jami MapPositionSharingControl %1h%2min %1h %1m%2sec %1m %1sec PositionManager %1 is sharing it's location Location sharing QObject Me أنا Hold تعليق Talking يتم التكلم ERROR خطأ Incoming الوارد Calling يتّصل Connecting يتم الإتصال Searching يتم البحث Inactive خامل Finished تم الإنتهاء Timeout انتهت المهلة Peer busy نظير مشغول Communication established تم إنجاز الإتصال Invitation received تم تلقي دعوة Contact added تم إضافة جهة إتصال %1 was invited to join %1 joined %1 انضم %1 left %1 was kicked %1 was re-added Swarm created Outgoing call مكالمة خارجة Incoming call مكالمة واردة Missed outgoing call مكالمة خارجة فائتة Missed incoming call مكالمة داخلة فائتة Join call إلتحق بمكالمة Invitation accepted تم قبول الدعوة default افتراضي Null فارغ Trying محاولة Ringing يرنّ Being Forwarded تتم إحالته Queued قائمة الإنتظار Progress تقدم OK موافق Accepted مقبول Multiple Choices خيارات متعددة Moved Permanently انتقال بشكل دائم Moved Temporarily انتقال مؤقت Use Proxy استخدام وكيل Alternative Service خدمة بديلة Bad Request طلب غير صالح Unauthorized غير مسموح به Payment Required يرجى الدفع Forbidden محظور Not Found لم يتم العثور Method Not Allowed Not Acceptable Proxy Authentication Required Request Timeout نفاذ مدة الطلب Gone Request Entity Too Large Request URI Too Long Unsupported Media Type Unsupported URI Scheme Bad Extension Extension Required Session Timer Too Small Interval Too Brief Temporarily Unavailable Call TSX Does Not Exist Loop Detected Too Many Hops Address Incomplete Ambiguous Busy مشغول Request Terminated Bad Event Request Updated Request Pending Undecipherable Internal Server Error Not Implemented Bad Gateway Service Unavailable Server Timeout Version Not Supported Message Too Large Precondition Failure Busy Everywhere Call Refused Does Not Exist Anywhere Not Acceptable Anywhere Accept اقبل Sending جاري الإرسال Sent Unable to make contact Waiting for contact Incoming transfer Timed out waiting for contact Today اليوم Yesterday البارحة Canceled تم الإلغاء Ongoing just now في هذه اللحظة Failure إخفاق locationServicesError locationServicesClosedError locationServicesUnknownError SmartListModel Calls مكالمات Contacts جهات إتصال SystemTray Answer أجب Decline رفض Open conversation Accept اقبل Refuse أرفض TipsModel Customize What does Jami mean? What is the green dot next to my account? The choice of the name Jami was inspired by the Swahili word 'jamii', which means 'community' as a noun and 'together' as an adverb. Backup account A red dot means that your account is disconnected from the network; it turns green when it's connected. Why should I back up my account? Jami is distributed and your account is only stored locally on your device. If you lose your password or your local account data, you WILL NOT be able to recover your account if you did not back it up earlier. Can I make a conference call? What is a Jami account? A Jami account is an asymmetric encryption key. Your account is identified by a Jami ID, which is a fingerprint of your public key. What information do I need to provide to create a Jami account? When you create a new Jami account, you do not have to provide any private information like an email, address, or phone number. With Jami, your account is stored in a directory on your device. The password is only used to encrypt your account in order to protect you from someone who has physical access to your device. Your account is only stored on your own devices. If you delete your account from all of your devices, the account is gone forever and you CANNOT recover it. Can I use my account on multiple devices? Yes, you can link your account from the settings, or you can import your backup on another device. Why don't I have to use a password? In a call, you can click on "Add participants" to add a contact to a call. Why don't I have to register a username? The most permanent, secure identifier is your Jami ID, but since these are difficult to use for some people, you also have the option of registering a username. How can I back up my account? In Account Settings, a button is available to create a backup your account. What happens when I delete my account? UtilsAdapter %1 Mbps %1 ميجابت/ثانية Default افتراضي System نظام lrc::ContactModelPimpl Searching… يتم البحث... Invalid ID Username not found Couldn't lookup… lrc::api::ContactModel Bad URI scheme